One of the key areas is public health, and it refers to all organized measures in order to prevent the disease, promote health and extend the life of the population as a whole. These activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy, acting at the level of the population, not at the patient level.
The "Health in All Policies" approach, by engaging the entire government and the whole society in response to multisectoral public health issues that affect us all. This approach has already been strategically planned in several documents prepared in the past year, starting with the Strategy 2020, the Strategy and Action Plan for Public Health. These two important documents have been considered and approved by the Committee on Health and the Environment and are already under procedure by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. This means that we are expecting the rapid adoption and action according to them.
One of the pillars of these strategic documents is the strengthening of public health facilities with a particular focus on human resources. Only quality and well-trained experts from the preventive branches of medicine and related branches can realize the goals set.
I am looking forward to a successful symposium that will strengthen ties and cooperation between preventive branches and I would like to move into a tradition in which participants and experts from other countries in the region and beyond will take part.
I wish for all of us successful work with the realization of the basic message HEALTH FOR ALL - ALL HEALTH
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