The World Health Organization is based on the principle that all people should be able to exercise their right to the highest possible level of health. The WHO Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948.
Therefore, "#HealthForAll" is the leading vision of the WHO for more than seven decades. It is also an impetus for the organization around the world to support countries in the move towards Universal Health Coverage (UZP).
Experience has always shown again that Universal Health Coverage is achieved when political will is strong.
Thus, on this 70th anniversary, WHO calls on world leaders to fulfill the promises they made when they agreed on the goals for sustainable development in 2015 and to take specific steps to promote the health of all people. This means securing everyone, everywhere to receive the health services that he needs without facing financial difficulties.
The organization will maintain a high focus on universal health coverage through a series of events in 2018, starting with the World Health Day on April 7, with global and local discussions on how to achieve Health for All.
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